
What am I trying to do here? 

This blog started off as a way for me to keep track of everything that I am reading, both academically and personally. I am a fairly voracious reader and have forgotten more books that I've read than I like to admit. I'm hoping that by keeping this blog (and a little journal where I write up a couple-sentence summary blurb) I will be able to better remember what I've read! There are a lot of really great books that I just can't remember enough of to be able to find them again, and I do love to reread.

The secondary purpose is to talk about the books I'm reading. I'm an English major in graduate school and one of my favorite things to do (and really, this has always been one of my favorite things to do) is talk about literature. I love to analyze and gush over what I've read and I don't always have people that I can talk to in person. I'm constantly pushing books at my friends and family, but it isn't always successful!

A little about me:

I'm 26 and, like I said before, in a graduate program for English. I have two novels in (slow) progress with several other ideas drifting in my head. Ultimately, I intend to earn a Ph.D. in literature (but please don't ask me to narrow down just yet... I seriously love almost all literature) with the goal of teaching at the college level. Reading is definitely my biggest pastime, but I also love to write and play video games (particularly those of the story-centric variety).

My favorite tea in my favorite china!
 I enjoy manga and anime, certain T.V. shows, comics, table top/card games, and a good cup of tea. Sometimes I crochet, particularly in the wintery months (even though it doesn't really get that wintery where I'm at!) and I'm off and on with nail art. Oh, and I have pet rats.

I live in my head a lot, especially when I'm reading, which is where the title of the blog comes from. For my entire life, whenever I have had a book in my hands, it's like I'm off in my own little world. I get so engrossed that I miss entire conversations and my exasperated family is well accustomed to having to wait for me to pull out of the book before talking to me!